"Who is a God like You, Pardoning iniquity And passing over the
transgression of the remnant of His heritage? He does not retain His
anger forever, Because He delights in mercy."
Micah 7:18
Here is the culmination of all of the prophecies of Micah who was deriding Israel for it's lack of faith and discussing God's judgement on the nation, on the outcasts.
One of the greatest biblical signs of the Messiah is also mixed into this little prophet's book. Out of Bethlehem the Messiah would come, who's beginnings are from everlasting, He is from old - in other words, He is the Ancient of Days, written about in Daniel. This is the greatest prophecy about Jesus and his birth. This is why, I suppose, the wise men knew where to look for the Messiah or new king.
Even though the prophet Micah speaks of destruction, the very end of the book signals God's profound love and mercy in spite of the rejection and sin of the nation. This is what gives all of us pause. Even when we are wronged, and vilified by others, God tells us to be like Jesus and show mercy. When we are shown mercy we should show mercy. When we are loved we should love. When God's love is everlasting, our love should be everlasting.
These are the challenges of the minor prophets to the nation and to us. We are grateful to God for His mercy shown to us through Jesus Christ. But God asks us to do juslty, to love mercy, to show kindness and forgiveness to all.
In the day when Christians are being persecuted, vilified, under attack and sometimes, killed, it is up to us to live as Christ did, by saying and living a life of mercy, even to those who persecute us. Ultimately, everything is in God's hands. Even the bad things are in God's hands. If we fight men, we may be fighting against God. We should show mercy when shown mercy and love because we are loved.
Jesus, after the resurrection, came back to the very ones whoe drove the nails in His hands. He didn't just run up to heaven after the resurrection. He came back to Peter who ran away from Christ who was on the cross. He redeemed Peter on the shores of Lake Galilee. Jesus could very well have picked a new leader, but He chose the one who ran away, Peter. Jesus forgave Peter, so we should forgive those who persecute us.
The Lord's word to Micah is about God's mercy and His character of lovingkindness and everlasting love. Maybe we can take a little of what we're given and give it out to others. Love one another as I have loved you- Jesus Christ.
Micah 7:18
Here is the culmination of all of the prophecies of Micah who was deriding Israel for it's lack of faith and discussing God's judgement on the nation, on the outcasts.
One of the greatest biblical signs of the Messiah is also mixed into this little prophet's book. Out of Bethlehem the Messiah would come, who's beginnings are from everlasting, He is from old - in other words, He is the Ancient of Days, written about in Daniel. This is the greatest prophecy about Jesus and his birth. This is why, I suppose, the wise men knew where to look for the Messiah or new king.
Even though the prophet Micah speaks of destruction, the very end of the book signals God's profound love and mercy in spite of the rejection and sin of the nation. This is what gives all of us pause. Even when we are wronged, and vilified by others, God tells us to be like Jesus and show mercy. When we are shown mercy we should show mercy. When we are loved we should love. When God's love is everlasting, our love should be everlasting.
These are the challenges of the minor prophets to the nation and to us. We are grateful to God for His mercy shown to us through Jesus Christ. But God asks us to do juslty, to love mercy, to show kindness and forgiveness to all.
In the day when Christians are being persecuted, vilified, under attack and sometimes, killed, it is up to us to live as Christ did, by saying and living a life of mercy, even to those who persecute us. Ultimately, everything is in God's hands. Even the bad things are in God's hands. If we fight men, we may be fighting against God. We should show mercy when shown mercy and love because we are loved.
Jesus, after the resurrection, came back to the very ones whoe drove the nails in His hands. He didn't just run up to heaven after the resurrection. He came back to Peter who ran away from Christ who was on the cross. He redeemed Peter on the shores of Lake Galilee. Jesus could very well have picked a new leader, but He chose the one who ran away, Peter. Jesus forgave Peter, so we should forgive those who persecute us.
The Lord's word to Micah is about God's mercy and His character of lovingkindness and everlasting love. Maybe we can take a little of what we're given and give it out to others. Love one another as I have loved you- Jesus Christ.